Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fast Food Nation Chapter 3 Question

Why haven't fast food workers unionized and what tactics have management used to defeat union efforts? It will take a paragraph to thoroughly answer this question. Answers should be posted on your home page.

A manager's job is to keep his/her employees in line and to keep labor cost low. Managers use procedures, sometimes at any cost, to get their jobs done and try and defeat the union.

Fast Food Nation Chapter 2 Questions

Discuss the fast food industry's marketing to children and explore the ethics of targeting children, especially as they relate to advertising in schools. To thoroughly address this prompt your response will need to be at least a paragraph long.

I honestly think that the way fast food buisnesses use very good methods to market their products to children because they use strategy and technique that they know for sure will rill in children. They market to children by advertising the toys they put in happy meals and by the advertisements they put on tv with the little cartoons. Most parents/guardians work all day so at the end of the day when their children wants fast foods of course parents are going to feed in and buy it because they are tired from working and being busy throughout the day.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fast Food Nation-Chapter 1

Intro: How is the 'American world view' embodied in the fast food industry?

A lot of the American culture is reflected on fast foods. Fast food resturants make so much money in a day because we Americans can't get enough of the addicting products fast foods cast on every individual every day.

Chapter 1: What elements of Southern California "culture" contributed to and encouraged the development of fast food restaurants?

Southern California fast food resturants had a lot of advertisement to help guide people to their resturants and I think that those acts motivated people to create bigger and better advertisments that would run world wide and sell to as many people as possible.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Source 3 and Source 4-Troy Davis: misleading anti death penalty campaign

Source 4

 This article is talking about a man named Tony Davis. They said that because of the data presented in the June 2010 hearing, it was clear that the federal district court would rule against Davis. People involved in the jury felt like the Anti death penalty group were "fed a bunch of nonsense" by their leadership and they believed it. This article is basically an argument of is Davis guilty or is he not?

Source 3
Does Death Penalty Save Lives? A New Debate.

An argument between different people. Through out the article there are people who research stating why they agree that death penalty is bad. The article states and supports that the death penalty.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Source 1 and Source 2- To murder victims' families,executing killers is justice

Source 2

"To murder victims' families, executing killers is justice"

Summary: A man killed 3 women and is finally caught and they don't know what punishment to give him. The family wants the man to die for the murder of the 3 women (Dawn, Patricia Hurt and Lori Ward). The family explained that it isn't about revenge the death penalty is the law.

The central argument of this article isn't really showed. The author just presented an argument with 2 different sides and distributed them equally.

Source 1
INOCENCE: "Trial by Fire: Did Texas Execute an Innocent Man?"
Summary: The state now has reason to belive that they executed an innocent man. Cameron Willingham was convicted and given the death penalty for killing his 3 children in a house fire. Cameron had eventually got tired of them saying he was guilty and wanted to avoid the death penalty so he said he did it when in reality he was innocent. After a couple of years Texas Forensic Science Commission reveived a report saying that Willingham was convicted on the basis of unsound testimony.

Central Argument: The state convicted and killed an innocent man.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ethos, Pathos, Logos

I chose this photo of Martin Luther King Speaking because the definition I found no ethos said that ethos (Credibility), or ethical appeal, means convincing by the character of the author. We tend to believe people whom we respect. Martin Luther was and still is a well respected man that had many people on his side.

I picked this picture for pathos because the bruises and expression on her face show deep emotion.
